Seeing the bigger picture

The work we do connects us to a larger world of ideas, trends and possibilities – and, on occasion, we write down what we’re seeing and thinking, and what it all might mean.

  • What’s Your Theory of Growth?
    Riham El-Lakany
    Marketing and Communications Executive
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • AI and Marketing: Cutting Through the Fog of Hype
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • Trusting Your Creative Instincts and Learning to Embrace AI
    Greg Bradley
    Director, Content
    Learn more
  • Design must be informed by the medium.

    Sarena Douglass, Senior UX/UI Designer
  • Elements of a Great Creative Brief
    Su Strawderman
    Director, Marketing Strategy
    Mark Silber
    Managing Director, Content & Creative
    Learn more
  • How Peer-to-Peer Marketing Can Turbocharge Your B2B Efforts
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • A Short Guide to Long Text
    Mark Silber
    Managing Director, Content & Creative
    Learn more
  • Composability: The Key to Solving Digital Transformation Challenges
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • B2B organizations are prone to undervalue marketing.

    Al Collins, Founder & CEO
  • If You’re Seeking Alignment, Consider A Stakeholder Advisory Group
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • VShift’s Trends for Driving Growth in 2024
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • Why B2B CMOs Should Invest in ‘Marketing Marketing’
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • Seeking Enterprise-Wide Digital Transformation? Think Small
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • Move too fast, you break things. Too slow, people lose interest.

    Al Collins, Founder & CEO
  • Don’t Ditch Your DXP – Complement It
    Dan Anderson
    Managing Director, Technology
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Brand Trust in the Age of AI: Advice for the CMO
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • The First Rule of Design Handoff Is ... There Is No Design Handoff
    Dan Anderson
    Managing Director, Technology
    Sarena Douglass
    Senior UX/UI Designer
    Claire Nelson
    Managing Director, Delivery
    Learn more
  • Navigating the New Uncertainty
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Many companies want to transition to decoupled – but they’re unclear how to do it.

    Luis Torres, Senior Engineer
  • Fix Your Marketing–IT Misalignment
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • Thriving in a Challenging Economy
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Assess Your Organization’s Compose-Ability
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • The Composable Advantage: Watch the Webinar
    Nicole France
    Contentful Evangelist
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Anything that may disrupt customers, marketing needs to plan for.

    Su Strawderman, Director, Marketing Strategy
  • Prioritizing the Digital Healthcare Experience
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Change Is Inevitable. What Does that Mean for Your Brand?
    Matt Dunn
    Managing Director, Creative
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Composability Now: The Critical Role of Orchestration
    Dan Anderson
    Managing Director, Technology
    Luis Torres
    Senior Engineer
    Learn more
  • In Ukraine, a Vision of ESG’s Potential
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Learn more
  • Hospital networks and healthcare organizations must prioritize digital.

    Eric Feige, Managing Director, Strategy
  • “Silicon Valley Can Launch a Website in a Day. Why Does It Take My Company a Year?”
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • ABM changes the game – if you can make it work
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Su Strawderman
    Director, Marketing Strategy
    Learn more
  • The Advantages of a Product Management Approach
    Michael O’Malley
    Managing Director, Delivery
    Claire Nelson
    Managing Director, Delivery
    Learn more
  • Operationalizing Resilience: Preparing Your Marketing Organization for Disruptions
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • A headless CMS architecture removes a barrier to innovation.

    Dan Anderson, Managing Director, Technology
  • Operational Independence and the Modern MarTech Stack
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Dan Anderson
    Managing Director, Technology
    Learn more
  • Disruption Response Planning and the Customer Perspective
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Su Strawderman
    Director, Marketing Strategy
    Learn more
  • Business Resilience and the CMO
    Al Collins
    Founder & CEO
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Delivering Accessibility
    Dan Anderson
    Managing Director, Technology
    Bill Fuchs
    QA & Accessibility Lead
    Learn more
  • Creating an enterprise design system requires instilling – and adopting – a process.

    Matt Dunn, Managing Director, Creative
  • Conscious Decoupling: The Future of Web Development
    Dan Anderson
    Managing Director, Technology
    Learn more
  • Most Digital Transformations Fall Short. Will Yours?
    Eric Feige
    Managing Director, Strategy
    Learn more
  • Rolling out a Global Website Presents a World of Challenges
    Claire Nelson
    Managing Director, Delivery
    Learn more
  • It’s Time for Business Leaders to Embrace Enterprise Design
    Matt Dunn
    Managing Director, Creative
    Learn more
  • Successful digital transformations need a portfolio of initiatives.

    Al Collins, Founder & CEO